Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tate and his date!

Yesterday after I picked Tate up for school we headed to Shannon and Jillians house for a double date. We went to Ricks and got cookies and quietly ate them (not!! Tate was the opposite of quiet) haha. Sorry to the young man trying to study. Although we caught him laughing at some of Tate's stories and comments. While we were sitting there I asked Tate what he wanted to do for dinner tonight and relplied, "EAT FOOD." Such a little smartie pants! Then we headed to the mall to do some shopping! Luckily BOTH baby and toddler fell ASLEEP! I am so excited for the rest of the week! I have a hair appointment on Thursday (deciding on going all dark or going blonder, what do yall think)? Then a much needed girls lunch with Shannon and Brittany at Hugos!!

Baby J and her adorable owl hat!

Baby J, Tate and Lex

Tate and Baby J!

Tate has been so funny lately and maybe a little grumpy today. When he woke up this morning I told him "good morning," and he said, "WHAT!!!!!!" I told him he sounded a little grumpy and he said, "yeah I am!" haha! He is also on this lemonade kick, everything has to be lemonade! Trying to avoid a SITUATION I told him his juice was lemonade last night. He took one drink spit it out (on his bed) and said "Mom I know lemonade and this is NOT lemonade." Just to funny! SO, I did what I do best cave in and chanced a cavity and gave sugar filled lemonade from Chick-fil-a!!! By the way I realized I am the only mother on the block that hasn't uploaded pictures of Tate's Christmas, sorry! Please know he was spoiled rotten and if you guys want to see them I will do a post if you want!


  1. Hey girl! Thanks so much for your sweet comment! :) Love all the pics! You look great with blonde or dark hair... I am in the process of going all natural and it is just no fun! Guys have it so easy! :) haha!

  2. Awww sorry I made you cry! ha ha! It's still amazing to me that we met! SO CRAZY!!!!

    I've never seen you with dark, but since I used to do hair I like to change it up! I'm not one to play it safe! I do LOVE your blonde hair though, it's so pretty on you. I think you would look great either way...and summer is right around the corner (or so I wish).

    Do you know Suz too? OMG i keep going to blogs that everyone knows everyone...and you are all out west and i'm stuck in Ohio! I think I should husband does work for wal-mart...bentonville maybe? lol

  3. I finally got caught up on all my blog reading...ha. It's been awhile. Tate has grown so much since the last time I looked. He is so handsome!!! Thanks for the comments on my blog. You do a much better job keeping yours up. I'm trying though : )

  4. You have the BEST hair ever! I love the color that it was today - so I'm guessing you went blond! I love it!

  5. Okay I was so writing to you earlier and then I got side tracked! Oh Grady and his pants..oh my! Can I say how JEALOUS I am of you going to lunch with Kelly!!! How cute is your picture on here blog! I feel like I am in the wrong part of the country... all of you that comment on me are all out west and it's like a big circle of's like you all know each other! HOW COOL!!! Don't even talk diets with me...BLAH! About my button, oh my I tried so hard then my brother told me it looks like a reese cup lol..whatever! Give me your password and you might be sorry lol, kidding I could totally make it cute :)

    I'm not only jealous that you were with Kelly, but Harper! I LOVE that little girl & we've never met, ha! She is so cute!!!!!!
