Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Year New Start

Ok, Since more Family has moved away it is my goal to become a BLOGGER again. This is already foregin to me so, bare with me here. I will never admitt this may have taken me a couple hours to just remember how to write a new post. ha! Things have defeintly changed since July of 2010 (my last post) we have 2 kiddos now. Life is good! We have learned that getting a GOOD picture with 2 kids is almost impossible! Proof below.

Jax is our high strung big attitude child. Its his way or no way. To say that our children are night and day might be an understatment. HA We wouldn't have it any other way our kiddos keep us on our toes regardless of their differences. Jax is very independent busy child. I spend the whole day with both eyes always on this child, mischief should have been his middle name! But, he is so darn cute. Love those eyes and dont get me started on those cheeks!!

Tate is in Pre-K and LOVES it. He is all boy. He spends his day (afterschool that is) riding his four wheeler, playing with Jax, shooting animals on his WII, (don't ask!) and roaming the farm getting into trouble. He is getting so big. Tate is such an easy child, and he has a HUGE heart.

I will do my best to keep up with my blog. Between the boys, the hubs, school activities, bible study, and play dates I should have plenty to blog about.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Courtney, So glad to see you and your boys are doing well. : ) We are trying to stay warm, but it does seem to snow everyday up here. It sure is pretty! : ) Thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to your blog being back in action. : )
